Laser Hair Removal


In today’s time and age, what is the best way to get rid of your facial and body hair? If you wax or shave, you have to keep doing it week after week, still  getting the stubble in between visits.

Laser Hair Removal is a smart alternative to these traditional methods of hair removal. It could take as little as six treatments, but may require more, and your hair is reduced to almost nil for a good three to five years. You can get 10% to 20% of the growth back in a few years but that’s not bad at all, and can be put back to sleep with a few touch ups. 

One important fact to know before you take the leap, if you have blonde, red, or gray hair, it does NOT work.  If someone tries to get you in for these treatments, run in the other direction as fast as you can. They are just signing you up to waste your time, energy and money.

Now it’s important to know what kind of laser is used on your skin. If you ask me, Candela Gentlemax Pro™ is the gold standard. It works on ALL SKIN TYPES without any risk of scarring or pigmentation.

Few things to remember, only shave in between your visits, no more tweezing, waxing or depilatories. Pregnant women should NOT do laser hair removal until they are done with the pregnancy. Someone on photo-sensitizing medications like antidepressants or antibiotics  should also consult their physician before starting. An SPF 30 or higher is mandatory with laser hair removal. Avoid too much sun exposure.

Get on the path of your hair free life with these useful pieces of information and you won’t regret it because, “I miss my hairy self.”, said no one ever!

Schedule today by calling NOVA DERM INSTITUTE at (703) 635-6065 or visiting our website at

Afsheen Ather

Bachelors in Medicine & Surgery

Licensed Master Instructor, Master Aesthetician and Master Permanent Makeup Artist

Book Appointment for Laser Hair Removal

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